

Maybe I can help. 

My name is Kelley Garry Marschall and I’m a licensed mental health counselor. My specialty is helping people deal with anxiety - specifically anxiety stemming from life changes or transitions, OCD, generalized anxiety, perfectionist tendencies and avoidance behavior. If your malady doesn’t fall into one of the specific categories above, not to worry. As I’m sure you know, anxiety takes many forms.  

Which leads me to my method and philosophy. It’s researched backed therapy with a twist.  I espouse a practical, research-based, person-centered, cognitive behavior, exposure-response prevention approach. In regular people’s terms, I design a treatment plan to fit the specific needs and objectives of each client. And the other thing I try to incorporate is laughter. That’s right, laughter as in ‘ha, ha that’s funny’. Don’t misunderstand, I take your therapy very seriously. And I want you to take it seriously, too. It’s ourselves we shouldn’t take too seriously.